Shopify Review

by | Feb 3, 2022 | E-commerce, Wordpress

Yesterday I decided to try Shopify, I have heard really good things about it from several people I follow and wanted to know if it was better than building a woocommerce area on a wordpress site. My kids had a snow day, so we decided to make a graphic t-shirt store and design our graphics with Illustrator and pro-create. It was very fast and user friendly, we built a very professional looking online store in a day.

They connected us to a t-shirt app that allowed us to add our own graphics to their t-shirts and they would handle all of the shipping and printing for us. Then we could charge whatever we liked in our store to make a profit. Shopify also gave us about 4-5 choices for who to work with. We chose Printful and they graphic choices for displaying our shirts were amazing, we could use models or display our shirts by themselves. We could offer our shirts in as many colors as we wanted and they did all they website setup and made it user friendly. They also took care of sizing choices and information on our website. All of the hard work and research was done automatically for us.

Shopify also had ready made things that are specific to store owners that I really appreciated like advice on how to set up taxes for my store which wordpress would not have offered.

Shopify also made marketing my store a lot easier by having apps right there for me to connect to.

I am curious about dropshipping, and they have connections for that also and tutorials that they would walk me through to get involved with a dropshipping business. There is an account I follow on instagram called ecomera that is making me curious about dropshipping.

Cost $312/year which is $26/month + $14/year for a domain name (Feb 3, 2022)

I appreciated the extra help they provided for business owners to get started in the right direction. The main downside is that they are expensive compared to hosting a wordpress site. I think the extra marketing help and tutorials will improve sales so much though that it might be worth the cost. The verdict is still out on that one, I will have to let you know in a few months to a year. If a client is already a business owner and knows a lot about marketing and taxes, then it might not be worth the extra money. Overall, I see why it has been recommended and I will be pointing clients who want a store in the shopify direction instead of wordpress because of all it has to offer.

Our graphic t-shirt store:

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that we may receive a commission when you click on our links and make a purchase. This, however, has no bearing on our reviews and comparisons.

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